Monthly Archives: June 2018

assembling the outer chassis

Now I began to mount the outer chassis, using the joints that i have made above.

I took some measures…

Mounting the panels with tape:

Once that I have taken measures, I needed holes on the top of the tower, for mounting the joints:

The roof of the tower is mounted:

And now, the part of case placed behind monitor.

A special joint:

Then I fixed the top at the end of the right panel (the panel without protective film):

And then the panels of the left tower, using the special joint:

Then I taken other measures, I made some holes, etc…
I mounted the two parallelogram shaped panels:

Two details of the transparent panel:

I started to mount the chassis on the stainless steel base, always using the same joints.

I began mounting the tower:

I’ve made other joints (and I fixed them on the base)

I Began to mount these panels:

I had to shorten this joint:

I begin to mount the panels of the section placed behind the screen:

And here I mounted the last panel (the one without white film):

Here you should see that there is a small gap between the base and the panels:

And this is the completed outer chassis:

Some better photos of the outer chassis:

polishing edges of the panels

Polishing edges of the panels:

Raw edge:

The first step with the dremel:

The other tools:

Sanding with this sequence of sanding papers: 120, 240, 600, 1000

Some flaws in the sanding:

To smooth these flaws I use this “wool” cylinder:

Now the edge is flawed and ruined again, so I repeat the use of sanding papers, from 240 to 1000

Now the edge is sufficiently smooth to finish with the polishing paste.

The edge polished

And finally the last polishing with toothpaste to achieve the final transparency:

UPDATE: These are a lot of steps, but they must be done only for a very damaged edge (like these edges cutted with a manual electric saw). For an edge cutted with more precise tools (for example an industrial circular saw) these steps are enough:
– sanding paper 240
– sanding paper 600
– polishing paste
– toothpaste

making the structural joints

These are the structural joints of the case. They are made from pieces of steel bar and they keep walls of the chassis fixed together.

I folded the bar’s pieces using two long iron pipes:

More joints:

cutting the polycarbonate panel

Other purchases:

Starting from left:
– Small panel of very thin stainless steel
– Black & decker rt650
– Some clamps
– Carbon paper
– blades with large teeth for the electric saw
– Dremel accessories
– 3 steel bars
– Drawing tools
– Stainless steel base of the case (2.5 mm thick)
– Sanding paper and polish
– White rubber feet
– Box for screws
– 160 bolts
– 160 washers
– 80 closed-head bolts
– wooden bar 2.4 m long (2.4 m is about the diagonal of polycarbonate panel)

I drew the shape of some pieces in the film:

…And I began to cut the first cm with the dremel.

Then I started cutting with an electric saw:

Beginning the making of touch sensors’ circuit

This is the making of touch sensors’ circuit:
(For the making of this circuit I must do special thanks to Axeman for his help)

I ordered 8 qt110 (the chips that control touch sensors):

(there are only 7 switches because I toasted one while I was soldering it 🙁 )

First purchases (resistors, capacitors, two integrated 74ls06 (which reverses the signals from QT110, for the relays), 6 relays and a new soldering iron)

Begin soldering:

This is the first touch sensor (the sensor is the red cable rolled)

Then I mounted the other chips:

Other purchases: some LEDs, another relay and some mini-switches …

I used mini-switches to make a little change to the original circuit (the blue line that I added on this circuit). With these switches, now I can select the chips’ behaviour: button or switch 😀

So, here i have completed the first step of the touch sensors’ circuit:

Purchasing the polycarbonate

All started from here…
I went to buy the polycarbonate: I took a panel of 2.05 * 1.15 m :

This is a draft of the outer chassis:

And these are the pieces that I should cut from the panel: